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How a doula could improve your birth experience

In today's world, expectant parents are increasingly recognizing the invaluable role of doulas in supporting them through the journey of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. With a doula by their side, parents gain access to a wealth of knowledge, emotional support, and advocacy, resulting in a more positive and empowered birth experience. From reducing medical interventions to providing continuous support during labor, hiring a doula offers a multitude of benefits that enhance both the physical and emotional well-being of the entire family.

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well-rounded support


physical support

Doulas are trained to offer physical support through soothing touch and massage techniques to ensure the laboring person's comfort. This can involve guiding movement and positioning, effective for pain management, as well as applying pressure on the back during contractions, and providing nourishment with ice chips, food, and drinks. Additionally, doulas may offer various comfort measures such as fanning you when you are hot, providing cold, wet washcloths for nausea, and supplying pillows, lip balm, music, or any other items necessary for comfort.


emotional support

Doulas also provide emotional support, which helps the mother to manage pain during childbirth. Doulas work to create a calm birth environment. The hospital birth environment today can cause stress, which can increase your perception of pain. Doulas work to help decrease that stress in the birth room. They give you encouragement and praise and remind you that you are safe and supported. Researchers have found that when people feel capable, confident and cared for, they feel less pain during labor. They perceive their pain as more manageable and are better able to cope.


Doulas also help mothers to interpret labor in a positive way, by reminding them that the sensations they’re feeling are productive and purposeful and that each wave or contraction is helping to bring the baby down and out. Research shows that when mothers view their contractions in this way, they’re more likely to perceive them as less painful.


partner support

Supporting a birthing parent is rarely a one-person job. While it is possible for your partner to do many of the same things that a birth or postpartum doula does, your partner is also going to be in need of support! Just like you, they have likely never gone through this experience before. Your partner may also be sleep deprived, nervous, and have questions. This is also important in cases where your partner may get queasy or faint at the sight of blood, if your partner needs to take a break, you still have a support person to aid you during birth. This is why in hiring a birth doula, you can ensure that the whole family is supported. 

better communication



Doulas advocate for the birthing person's wishes and preferences, ensuring that healthcare providers are aware of their desires regarding the birth experience. This advocacy helps to bridge any potential communication gaps and ensures that the birthing person's voice is heard and respected throughout the labor and delivery process.



Doulas provide clarification by offering explanations and answering questions that may arise during labor. They help interpret medical terminology or procedures, ensuring that the birthing person and their partner understand what is happening and why. This clarity promotes informed decision-making and reduces anxiety or confusion.



Doulas offer continuous support to the birthing person and their partner, creating a supportive environment conducive to effective communication. By providing encouragement, reassurance, and guidance, doulas help alleviate stress and tension, allowing for open and honest communication between the birthing person, their partner, and healthcare providers. This support fosters trust and mutual respect, enhancing the overall birthing experience.

fewer negative experiences



Doulas offer continuous emotional support by providing reassurance, encouragement, and a comforting presence throughout labor and childbirth. They create a nurturing environment where birthing people feel safe to express their emotions and concerns, reducing feelings of fear, helplessness, and isolation that can contribute to birth trauma.


Emotional Support

Doulas provide continuous emotional support, helping the birthing person feel more calm, empowered, and reassured during labor and delivery. This support can mitigate anxiety and fear, reducing the likelihood of a traumatic experience.


comfort measures

Doulas employ various comfort measures such as massage, relaxation techniques, and positioning suggestions to help manage pain and discomfort during labor. By providing physical comfort and support, doulas help reduce the intensity of labor and create a more positive birthing experience, minimizing the risk of trauma.


education & preparation

Doulas offer evidence-based information and education about childbirth, including the birthing process, interventions, and pain management techniques. This knowledge empowers birthing people to understand their options and make decisions aligned with their values, reducing feelings of uncertainty and helplessness that can contribute to trauma.


postpartum support

Many doulas offer postpartum support to help birthing people process their birth experience and navigate any feelings of trauma or distress. This ongoing support includes emotional validation, listening without judgment, and connecting them with additional resources if needed, facilitating healing and preventing long-term psychological issues related to birth trauma.


respect for autonomy

Doulas prioritize the birthing person's autonomy and choices, ensuring they feel in control of their birthing experience. By respecting their wishes and preferences, doulas help minimize feelings of guilt, powerlessness, or regret often associated with traumatic births.

less anxiety & Depression


identification & referral

Doulas are uniquely positioned to assess and identify symptoms of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) due to their close relationship with clients during pregnancy and childbirth. By recognizing signs of depression and anxiety, doulas can refer women to appropriate mental health treatment, thereby reducing the impact of these disorders.



Doulas provide emotional support and empowerment to pregnant and childbearing individuals, which is crucial for those experiencing poor maternal mental health. By offering a nonjudgmental and supportive presence, doulas help alleviate feelings of helplessness and social isolation commonly associated with depression and anxiety.


competent support

Doulas play a vital role in providing culturally competent support, particularly to low-income women and those with limited English proficiency. By understanding and respecting cultural differences, doulas can bridge gaps in access to mental health services and provide tailored support that meets the unique needs of diverse populations.


postpartum support

Doulas offer continuous emotional support and assistance in the postpartum period, including information about breastfeeding, newborn care, and emotional processing of the birth experience. This extended support helps women navigate the transition to parenthood and cope with the challenges of depression and anxiety, promoting overall well-being for both mothers and babies.

fewer medical interventions


studies on doula care

Numerous studies have consistently shown the benefits of doula support during labor and childbirth. These studies indicate that women who have a doula present are more likely to have positive birth outcomes compared to those without doula support. These outcomes include lower rates of cesarean births, decreased use of pain medication, shorter labors, and higher satisfaction levels with the overall birthing experience.


reduced need for medical intervention

Doulas provide continuous emotional, physical, and informational support throughout labor. This support helps women manage the intensity of labor pains and navigate the challenges of childbirth without relying heavily on medical interventions. By offering comfort measures such as massage, breathing techniques, and positioning suggestions, doulas empower women to cope with labor naturally, often resulting in fewer medical interventions.


mitigation of complications

Medical interventions such as cesarean births carry risks of complications for both the birthing person and the baby. These complications can include infections, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. By reducing the need for cesarean births and other interventions, doulas help minimize the occurrence of these complications, promoting safer birthing experiences for both mothers and babies.


health outcomes

Babies born via cesarean birth may be at increased risk of certain health conditions compared to those born vaginally. Research suggests that babies born via cesarean birth have higher rates of respiratory issues, asthma, allergies, and gastrointestinal problems such as Crohn's disease. By lowering the likelihood of cesarean births, doulas indirectly contribute to better long-term health outcomes for babies.

shorter time
in labor


educating & empowering

Doulas provide education and support prior to labor, helping mothers understand the natural course of labor and dispelling myths about labor progression. By empowering mothers with knowledge and confidence, doulas enable them to advocate for themselves and resist unnecessary interventions.


reduced need for medical intervention

Labor can stall due to various factors, often referred to as the "5 P's": Pelvis, Passenger, Power, Psyche, and Provider. Doulas can educate clients on ways to address these factors to facilitate smoother labor progression. Through techniques like chiropractic care, pelvic floor therapy, and optimal positioning exercises, doulas help create favorable conditions for efficient labor progress.


emotional support

The psyche plays a significant role in labor progression, with fear and anxiety hindering the process. Doulas provide emotional support, encouragement, and reassurance, helping mothers maintain a positive mindset and focus on the present moment. By fostering a supportive and calming environment, doulas help alleviate psychological barriers to labor progression.



Doulas act as advocates for mothers, ensuring their desires and preferences are respected throughout the birthing process. By supporting informed decision-making and effective communication with healthcare providers, doulas help mothers navigate labor with confidence and agency. This advocacy can prevent premature interventions and unnecessary cesarean deliveries, promoting smoother and shorter labor experiences. A provider who believes in the client's birthing abilities and provides evidence-based information can help alleviate fear and promote a positive labor experience.

lower healthcare costs


decreased need for intervention

Rigorous studies demonstrate that doula care significantly reduces the requirement for costly medical interventions such as cesarean sections, instrument-assisted births, and pain medication. With cesarean births alone costing 50% more than vaginal deliveries, the potential cost savings are substantial, especially considering the high prevalence of cesarean deliveries in the U.S.


prevention of nicu stays

By effectively supporting mothers throughout pregnancy and labor, doulas contribute to the reduction of preterm births, which are major drivers of high healthcare costs, particularly due to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admissions. Studies have shown that doula care is associated with significant savings and fewer preterm births annually, leading to considerable cost reductions.


cost-effective support

Doulas also play a role in promoting breastfeeding initiation and duration, which has numerous health benefits for both parents and babies. Breastfeeding is associated with lower risks of various health conditions, thereby reducing healthcare expenditures related to treating these conditions. By supporting breastfeeding, doulas contribute to long-term cost savings in healthcare.


overall cost savings

Research assessing the cost effectiveness of doula care has highlighted substantial savings in healthcare costs. Studies have estimated millions of dollars in savings and significant reductions in cesarean births, maternal deaths, uterine ruptures, and hysterectomies attributed to doula care. These findings underscore the economic value of integrating doula support into maternity care models.

tailored birth planning


knowledge & guidance

Doulas guide expectant parents through the process of developing a birth plan by providing evidence-based information and empowering them to make informed decisions. With their expertise, doulas help parents consider various aspects of childbirth, including medical interventions, pain management options, and birth preferences.



Doulas serve as liaisons between expectant parents and their medical team, bridging the gap in communication and understanding. They help parents navigate medical terminology, clarify procedures, and advocate for their preferences. By fostering open communication, doulas ensure that parents' concerns and desires are heard and respected by their healthcare providers, leading to a more collaborative and satisfying birth experience.


emotional support

In addition to providing informational support, doulas offer emotional support throughout the childbirth journey. They listen to parents' fears, concerns, and preferences without judgment, creating a safe and supportive environment for open dialogue. Doulas help parents navigate any uncertainties or anxieties they may have about childbirth, empowering them to make decisions that align with their values and goals.


continuous labor support

During labor, doulas provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to parents, ensuring a positive and empowering birth experience. They assist with comfort measures, position changes, relaxation techniques, and advocacy, helping parents cope with the intensity of labor and navigate any unexpected challenges. By being present throughout labor, doulas help parents feel supported, empowered, and confident in their ability to birth their baby.

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